These are the trials and tribulations of our family. I think you will find that some things seem more like a sitcom than reality. We have the craziest things happen to us. I will attempt to relay some of them as they happen.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sandra asked to see the hula hooping Boggs pic. Well, I finally got it. I can't believe I am going to share this... Although it was printed in the college yearbook for all to see. Try not to count the many chins of Aunt Mary Sue, please.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Watermelons!!

Ok, I guess it is quite obvious that I need more to do... But y'all, look at this! I can't believe I grew this on my patio! This will be the last post about the melons because we have pulled up the vine. It was about to take over!

The one behind me is from the patio, too! Next year, I will try tomatoes!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Well, guess what? My sweet little watermelon vine has "birthed" a baby watermelon, or two or three or four? Uh-oh. I am going to melons all over the patio. I will get a pic and post later. They are so cute.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Bistineau Blob

I don't know how many of you have had the
chance to view the "creature" that is taking over Lake Bistineau and many other bodies of water in Louisiana--BUT, it is so creepy... Daddy and Scotty said it is called giant salvina. It is some sort of freaky algae that doubles in size every 24 hours. Mama took pics and some of you saw them, but for those who didn't, this is at the spillway...

Is this too weird or what? These were taken toward the end of June. I was there the last week in July and it was much worse. I can imagine how bad it is now.

Ok, so now y'all are up on the Bistineau Blob, let me show you the Boggs Blob. Earlier in the summer, we were eating watermelons on the back patio. Just like in the old days when we were kids--juice running down your arms, seeds going everywhere...(sigh) Anyway, I didn't care because the water hose was nearby and we could just rinse everything off when we were through, right? Well, I washed the seeds into the flowerbed, thinking that wouldn't be a problem since my thumb had turned brown lately. Boy, was I wrong... The cutest little watermelon vine came up. I thought, "Oh, cool. We can have a watermelon!" I guess I have been living in "town" for too long, because I sure forgot about how LONG these things grow!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

On the road again

Taylor and I are "on the road again"... We are in Brookhaven, MS (about 4 hours
from home) for a 2 day tournament. He did well today, shot a 78. The heat and humidity are unbearable. I think he had more fun after the tournament. We went to a go-cart track that has a putt-putt course. It was called "3 Flags Trax", I guess since 6 Flags is already taken...So creative!
It was Taylor's first time to ride a go-cart. He said, "I'm so sheltered". So goofy... Thought about Kamie tonight. We are ready to put her to the putt-putt test. Taylor said he wants to "go pro" in putt-putt. Maybe Kamie will want to do the same;)

I wish we had pics. Sorry, the camera is at home.

Day two of the tournament, Taylor shot an 82. He ended up in 8th place, not bad out of 22. Wow, has it been hot! Really, really hot. I'm glad I didn't have to walk 18 holes carrying a golf bag...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Most of you know Taylor has been playing golf all summer. Today he completed the 3- day Coca Cola Jr. Tour Tournament of Champions! He won 2nd place in his age division.

Here he is in his Tiger Woods Sunday red!

Hey everybody! I am going to eventually make it where only family can view my blog. Please email me so I will have your email address to add to the list of viewers! Love y'all. Mary Sue

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Goin Back to MS

Putter and T-Bob r so hooood!!!

At Rob's House

Taylor, Putter and I spent a couple of days in La. Here are some pics from Rob's house.